I owe you an apology. I've been bad-mouthing you behind your back. I may have even called you the worst state in the Union once. Man, was I wrong. You're pretty cool. You're shaped weird, but I won't nitpick. Plus, you have to admit, you do have a public image problem. Have you Googled yourself? Don't. It's embarrassing. Retirement community STD outbreaks, bath-salts fueled cannibalism, 2 Live Crew ... and those are your fun headlines. I won't go into the really horrible stuff. You know, like Pitbull's rapping. I'm just throwing this out so you can work on it.
We took the kids on a 9-day spring break extravaganza and I wasn't too confident Florida would pull through for us. When I told people our plans they said things like, "Florida, in Mexico?" or, "That's nice." We woke our kids us at 2:00 AM and told them, surprise!, we're going on vacation. We might not have gotten the enthusiastic reception that we anticipated, and the look on their faces was just ... sleepy. But 12 hours later when we loaded up into the biggest pickup Enterprise owned, they started to pep up.
First stop, Disney World. Not just Disney World, Disney World during spring break. I expected it to be a lot like the theme-park scene in Zombieland. It was everything I dreaded: crowded, hot, and princess-y. But, it was also (ug, the cliche) magical. Disney employees do not half-ass anything and their positive energy is contagious.
We were also fortunate enough to have a couple of reprieves from toursit-ville. An afternoon with our cousins in Orlando and some time with an old friend of Regina's who just happened to move to Daytona was just icing on the cake.
Kind Regards,
The Eastside Gang