Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dog Crazy

I went to Klamath Falls last weekend and came home with a dog, its son, and the flu.  Two out of three ain't bad.

I'm no dummy.  I know that withholding puppy pics while droning on and on about kids and the ranch and whatever made me chuckle last week is a form of torture for most.  Besides, I still have the bug, and really want to sit on the couch and watch the season finale of the Australian crime-drama, Wanted.

So, in as few words as possible, here's Boi (not to be confused with my second-ever horse, Boy, or the guy named Sandy whom I called Boy because I didn't believe any parent would name their son Sandy.  I was young, ok?), the Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix.  And, of course, the star of the show, Pancho Villa.  Or Chancho (we've been on a Nacho Libre kick).  Or Lord Pupperston, or Robot.  We're still working on a name for the puppy.  And, of course Lardo.

We may be overestimating how much he can eat
You're welcome.

Boi doesn't sit still, hence, only one pic.
Here he is teaching his son good digging habits

And a few seconds of a puppy dreaming, just in case you thought, "eh, he's not that cute."

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