Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Can You Still Hear the Bulls Screaming?

Baby jerks
The bulls were screaming last night.  If you've never heard bulls bellowing, it sounds a lot like a bagpipe and a chainsaw had a very colicy baby, and then forgot to change its diaper.  They woke Regina up at 1:30 AM, which means Regina woke me up at 1:31 AM.

"Do you hear that?" she asked.

I told her that I do now.

"I think they're in with the heifers," she said as she went outside.

Old jerk
When your wife goes outside in the middle of the night to see if the bulls are out, it's a good idea to join her.  And she was right; an Angus bull jumped the fence and was in with our 2 young Belted Galloway heifers.  Not the cross breeding we want, so we had to chase it out.  And man, was he pumped up.  Two bulls on the other side of the fence cheered him on as I ran laps, chasing him around the pen.  The bulls across the street thought they were missing out, so they joined in on the loud noises contest.  Everyone was hollering, including me.  I won't tell you what I yelled, but it was certainly colorful.

After 3 laps around the pen, the jerk finally found the gate and joined his compadres.  Regina and I spent another half-hour fixing fence by dying flashlight while the bulls kept up their choir.  It sounded like we were in the middle of the elk rut in Yellowstone.

We finally got back to bed, and know what?  They shut up, mercifully.  I suspect they moo-ed themselves hoarse.  But I was so amped up from running (probably less than 100 yards) that I lay awake for another hour, and kept thinking, "The bulls, the bulls, the bulls ..."